
Thursday, 25 October 2018

An Hour of Power (8:20)

Struggles:        Fixes:                         How to build:
Hot glue kept          Used                               Need: 2 plastic bottles,
coming off.              tape                                bottle lid, sand, sharp  
Sand didn't              Made                              scissors.
come out off            a bigger                    Directions:Fill one bottle   the hole.                   hole                         with sand. screw lid on                                                                        bottle and poke hole in it. 
                                                                  Then tape bottles                                                                                 together.


Thursday, 18 October 2018

I am Trump

17/10/18  Donald Trump      BJ

If I could be anyone in the world I would be Donald
Trump. He is a very powerful man I do not admire him
but all he has and the position he's in is a good place
to be. There is still a lot more reasons why I would
be Donald Trump because he is in charge
of the US army and the red button!

First thing I would do as being Trump is send all his
money to my address then after that day I would
be rich. Then I would friend Putin and Jun un.
After we had lunch I would ensure that there is
no world war III. I will be very pleased that there will
be no further war and then I wouldn't be my
friends over Moko Ryan and Jacob and have
a big fat party and play games all night and buy
lots of Beyblades. I would also buy the school then
nuke it. After I would build a Z force base and
recruit my friends.Then my time as Trump
would probably be over I would be
filthy rich so I wouldn't care.

That's who and what I would do and be if I could
be whoever I wanted.I could of done more
destructive things but I'm not a horrible person.
I would feel pumped to be Trump but I'm
not getting my hopes up.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Cliff-Wars The Last Kneti

The hardest thing I've ever done!!!

Today Whaea Raewyn had a terrible idea to finger knit. After I grabbed my black wool I thought it was too small for a scarf but it didn't matter. When I walked to the table I watched the video I did not understand how to make the scarf it did not make any sense but other people got it so I still tried. Eventually I got the hang of it but when it got to the end I got  confused so I quit. Everyone except me were great even the ones that don't listen did it so I got super frustrated.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Doctor In Training (probably not)

Today we learnt to keep our arm in the air. It has a reason, you keep it in the air so it stops blood flowing into your wound so you don't loose blood. You don't have to keep it up forever just for 30 secs.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

The speech of the minute

7/6/18 Pollution BJ

Hello my name is BJ and I’m am here today to tell you about
My belief is that pollution is bad but I’m sure that everyone does.
Before I get onto my speech I will assure you that I am not a green
There are many forms of pollution but I have only learned seven I
will explain them to you soon.
Clean energy sources are a good way to keep pollution sustained.
Pollution has and will affected the earth and people to it will make
your lifes hard to live and probably kill you with smoke.

My first fact is what pollution is, it is not a physical object it is
like air you can’t feel it, see it but it’s there.
The seven types of pollution are, noise pollution, radioactive
, thermal pollution, water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution,
light pollution!
I need to do more research because I do not know how these types
of pollution affect the environment, but you could get an idea by the
names if you listened.

My second fact is how we can combat pollution and help stop it.
My first belief is that we can stop smog and smoke filling the air
just to make your pitty house light up by using drum roll please
(three second pause) clean energy! Clean energy doesn't mean
energy thats clean, it means energy that makes zero smoke so it
doesn’t pollute plus it has no left overs just unlimited power!
For example nuclear power has loads of leftovers such as nuclear
waste, smoke and makes radiation poison around the area
clean energy makes nothing just unlimited power!

For my final fact it is how nasty pollution will get if we do nothing.
My research states that a lot of plants will die and become extinct
they will die because instead of the sun they get horrible smoke
that's basically poison because it withers plants. Pollution also kills
people since smokers get cancer and usually die imagine if smoke
was the only thing to breathe in the whole world would be dead
plus you would be high all the time except JACOB.

So there this is my conclusion pollution is bad but it can get worse.
The only way to combat pollution is clean energy.
I am very frightened about pollution but I definitely hope
I'm not alive to see the smoke invades.      


Friday, 22 June 2018

The Best view

On Tuesday room 15,13, and 12 went to Opononi. We went to the scenic look out to see how Kupe came to New Zealand this is me and my friend Moko at the scenic look out.